…she will start looking through her house to find things she can use it on. And she’ll Google and Pinterest to find all sorts of projects to make. Actually, if a girl finds Modge Podge in her crafts stash that she bought who knows when for who knows what but never did use it……
This leaf bowl was one of the first things I came across. It turned out pretty but I was a little heavy handed on the Modge Podge so there are some white spots. I inflated a balloon and put it in a bowl to keep it from moving around. Then I put Modge Podge on part of the balloon, add a few leaves and Modge Podge over them, layering uncover any open spots to make a bowl shape. Let dry and then repeat until it is nicely coated. Make sure to smooth it out so it doesn’t have white globs of glue.
I used regular as well as hard coat and while it holds its shape, it is not stiff or hard like a bowl. It does make a pretty decoration and could hold candy (if my people would eat it all) or rolls or acorns or whatever.

Next, I did this candle holder coating portions of the holder, adding leaves, coating them, and layering more. Let dry and repeat. Then I added some twine.

I did this jar with glitter and then added a fabric sleeve and ribbon.

To make the Sleeve, I cut a mini charm pack into one and a quarter inch squares, basically cut it into fourths. Then I made 4 strips, each with 15 pieces to cover the with of my jar plus my seam allowance. I added a strip in between and then, right sides together, sewed a backing piece leaving an opening to turn right side out. I closed up the seam sewed the thing into a circle and then slid it on my jar. Then I added a Ribbon. It’s not the most beautiful project in the world, but it looks better than the spaghetti sauce jar that was holding my markers before!Then I had all these little 1.25″ scraps so I covered an empty Trader Joe’s pumpkin coffee can with those.

Next, recovering some coasters. I used some old scrapbooking paper and a few coats of the hard coat Modge Podge.

I still have plenty left. Got any ideas for me?! Leave a comment and let me know!

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