A few years ago, I had the opportunity to participate in making some things for the Mediterraneo fabric line by Katarina Roccella for Art Gallery Fabrics. The fabrics were so gorgeous, I couldn’t wait to get started!
Forgive me for the photo quality. I was trying to get everything sent off quickly but I’ll be updating these with better photos soon!

I really needed some pretty new kitchen accessories and I thought the theme of Mediterraneo would be perfect! So first I decided to make some potholders.

For these four potholders, I decided to let the fabric speak for itself and quilted around the designs so they would stand out. I then bound them with a complimentary fabric.
Next, I decided to get a little more creative. I love how these turned out and think I might need to make a couple more!

Want to make your own? Follow these tutorials below! (Printable PDF)
Single Print Potholders
You will need:
(1) 9″ square front fabric
(1) 9.5″ backing fabric
(1) 9.25″ batting fabric
(2) 9.25″ Insul Bright
(1) 2.25″ x 39″ strip for binding
Place backing fabric right side down. Place on top one of the Insul Bright pieces, then batting, then the second Insul Bright piece and finally the front fabric face up. Baste and then quilt as desired. Trim to 9″ square and bind to finish off.
Pinwheel Potholder
You will need:
(4) 2.5″ x 5″ pieces background fabric
(1) 6.75″ piece background fabric
(1) 6.75″ pinwheel fabric
(1) 9.5″ backing fabric
(1) 9.25″ batting fabric
(2) 9.25″ Insul Bright
(1) 2.25″ x 39″ strip for binding

1. Place background and pinwheel 6.75″ squares right sides together. Mark lines diagonally. See Fig. 1.
2. Next, stitch on either side of marked diagonal lines. See Fig. 2.
3. Finally, cut in half as indicated by the red lines. See Fig. 3.
4. Press seams open and then trim half square triangles to 2.5″.

5. Stitch together as shown below.

Place backing fabric right side down. Place on top one of the Insul Bright pieces, then batting, then the second Insul Bright piece and finally the front fabric face up. Baste and then quilt as desired. Trim to 9″ square and bind to finish off.
Diamond Potholders
You will need:
(23) diamonds
(1) 9.5″ backing fabric
(1) 9.25″ batting fabric
(2) 9.25″Insul Bright
(1) 2.25″ x 39″ strip for binding
Using this diamond template, cut out 23 diamonds of assorted fabrics.
Stitch together in rows as shown below being careful to not stretch the bias edges.

Sew rows together and then square up, trimming to 9″.

Place backing fabric right side down. Place on top one of the Insul Bright pieces, then batting, then the second Insul Bright piece and finally the front fabric face up. Baste and then quilt as desired. Trim to 9″ square and bind to finish off.
I also made these beautiful flour sack dishtowels to match!

To make them, I purchased flour sack towels from Amazon. I pressed them using spray starch and cut them to the same size. Then, I bound them using 1.5″ binding.
I hope you like them! If you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you!