I was part of a monthly bee, Sew Bee It, through my local quilt guild, St. Louis Modern Quilt Guild.
If you are not familiar with a bee, basically it is a small group, usually up to 12 members. Each member gets assigned a month and during that month all the other members make a block or blocks of her choosing. They may provide fabric or part of the fabric and the rest is pulled from your stash.

One of the blocks in our bee this round was an improv bird block. Improv is not really in my comfort zone and especially having to look like something when it’s done so I procrastinated big time. Turns out not only was it easy, it was really fun and went together fast. We only needed to make one but with it being that quick and easy, I made a second.

And then, of course, living in St. Louis and being a Cardinals fan, I had to make one for myself. I used some leftover scraps of Baby Jane by the Comstocks for my cardinal and low volume and text prints for the background.

Want to make one for yourself? This is the tutorial from Pie Lady Quilts. I modified the head to look more like a cardinal. I also added extra fabric around the perimeter so my finished square would measure 12.5″.
The block I contributed for my beemate, @stlcaverly, became this beauty!

Isn’t it great?!
Have a great day!